Making Your Space Standout for Vacation Guests
We love this bay area living room. So we thought we'd share it with you. It's the art. And the windows. And the furniture.
One of the most important things we see when we visit a successful short term vacation rental property (versus one in which the client is struggling to increase inquiry volume, bookings, or improve quality of guests) is how the home is both prepared (in photographs) and how it serves guests.
In our blogs, we continually try to not only capture great looking spaces, but also highlight why they are successful for the both the inquiry/booking process and once the guest arrives.
The Things that Matter
In the living room space in this image, you can see what is catching the prospective guest-renter; vivid colors (artwork especially), a unique piece (chairs in the dining room), and of course, making the view and thus the windows / wall, totally the focal point.