Making the most of your vacation rental home generally means making the most money on your vacation rental home. While this is obviously a very important consideration, especially if you're trying to decide whether or not to rent out your home, there are other considerations that we'd argue are even more important. That's right – money isn't everything. Here are four reasons why money shouldn't...
4 Ways to Get Last Minute Bookings For Your Vacation Rental
Vacation home owners can be obsessive about checking their calendars and making sure the home is booked. If you see some open dates just around the corner, don't worry! It's not too late to win last minute bookings for your vacation rental. But it does take a little bit of extra effort and some creativity to entice last minute travelers – read on for our top tricks!
Most of us here in Southern California are on Spring Break, which is preview time for the summer travel season. Whether or not your rental is booked for Spring Break, there's plenty you can learn now to give your property a healthy boost for the next few months. Each of these suggestions offers two of three benefits:
By now you've heard quite a bit about this whole vacation-rental-by-owner thing. Your neighbors and family members are trying it out, but you aren't quite sure if it's for you and you're wondering if your home can actually make money. Hold onto your hats, because we're going down Best Decision Ever Lane!
The 3 Amenities Every Vacation Rental Home Must Have
Vacation homes vary widely in amenities offered to guests, and some homes are booked more frequently based on the greater variety or quality of amenities. But we've seen there are a few that you just can't get by without. If you're missing one of these top-requested amenities, be sure to fix that as soon as possible.
Turn Your Vacation Rental Home into a Romantic Getaway
This year, Valentine's Day falls on Saturday, which means couples have a wonderful excuse for a weekend getaway. If you've been getting inquiries or bookings for the upcoming lover's holiday, congratulations! (And if you haven't, try changing your online listing to advertise just how romantic your vacation home is.) Take a little extra time before your travelers arrive to turn your destination...
4 Most Common Questions Vacation Rental Guests Ask
Most of the big vacation rental booking sites have an instant booking feature, allowing guests to book an available vacation rental without any communication with the host. However, we've found that the vast majority of guests have specific questions about the properties or their stay, so there's almost always communication before booking.
What Homeowners Need to Know About Winter Vacation Rentals
The winter in Southern California is usually quite forgiving and nothing like other parts of the country. Daytime temperatures can range from mid 70s to low 60s, and at night we might dip down to the 50s and, once in a blue moon, the 40s. While it's not snowstorms and sheets of ice it does bring critical information to consider when renting out your home in the winter. We will share with you the...
How Do You List Your Home for Vacation Rental?
Believe it or not, here at Air Concierge we get so many phone calls and emails from people wanting to know if they should list their home for vacation rental, and if they do, how and when. We love this question, and love helping people find the right solution for their home, but we also figured it's time to address this question for those who haven't yet given us a call (858-354-9111) or sent an...